If your complaint is not resolved within the given time or if you are not satisfied with the solution provided by the Company, you will have the option to approach the Company’s Customer Complaints Officer through any of the following channels:

  1. Email:
  2. Post:
    The Complaints Officer
    P.O. Box 21534
    Kingdom of Bahrain

We will endeavor to acknowledge your correspondence within 5 working days and after investigation, provide you with a formal response within 4 weeks.

In the event you are not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint, please note you may escalate your complaint to the Compliance Directorate, Central Bank of Bahrain within 30 calendar days from the day of the response provided by the Company. You can submit the case through the ‘Complaint Form’ on the CBB’s website www.cbb.gov.bh

Compliance Directorate
Central Bank of Bahrain,
Telephone: +973 1754 7777
Fax: +973 1753 0399
E-mail: compliance@cbb.gov.bh

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